Experiences are more valuable than things

When you think back on the great times in your life, be it a long time ago or just the other day what comes to mind first? Do you think about the watch you were wearing, the type of furniture you were sitting on, the house you were in, I’m guessing not so much.

If you are like most people, you remember the people you were with, what you were doing, how everything around you made you feel, and all the things your senses picked up. Now think back again to some item you owned that was very special to you like your first cool BMX bike, it was awesome right but nowhere near as awesome as all the incredible experiences you had riding that bike.

This applies to about 80% of the things we have owned throughout our lives.

The things we own come and go but experiences last a lifetime.

It's funny how most of us think that to have amazing life experiences they have to come with big price tags and far-off destinations but do all life-changing, memorable experiences have to happen hundreds of miles away?

How many times throughout your life can you recall laughing your ass off with someone, eating a dessert that was like heaven in your mouth, or being wild and crazy fooling around with that someone special somewhere not so private, did they cost you a small fortune or require you to travel to distant lands?

Life is like a big game of Hungry, Hungry Hippos where you are the hippo, and the marbles are life experiences, and your goal is to gobble up as many experiences as you can before the game is over.

Think of how awesome it will be to collect and relive at your leisure, all those experiences that you’ve accumulated over the years, all those experiences you can take with you to your next big game of life.

You can have all the money and possessions in the world, but you can’t take them with you in the end.

I like to believe that with all the memories that you create throughout your life, you get to take those with you.

The point here is, that life-changing experiences can happen anywhere, anytime with anyone.

Life is all about the collection of experiences both big and small and that should be our number one focus throughout life. Unfortunately, many of us are too caught up in the frustrations and complications of life to notice the amazing things going on around us and to appreciate any of the positive things going on in our lives.

When we are working, we are thinking we need to be with our families, when we are with our families were are thinking about work, so we end up being nowhere but stressed and just struggling to get through the day.

You can enjoy and collect life-changing experiences by planning them like vacations, excursions, dinners, or even a quick coffee with a friend. For most of us when we make plans, we attach high expectations to the anticipated experience. High expectations for something can sometimes lead to disappointment which in the end may not become a positive memory.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t plan things to do, what I am suggesting is that in all you do, go into it with an open mind, true appreciation and thankfulness for all you have and all you get to experience no matter how big or small it may be.

Truly appreciating the people you interact with, the small things that go on each day and seeing the value in all that you have in the moment will help you create lasting amazing memories.

Smiling and making someone else smile is a great way to make any interaction special!

So next time you are at Costco picking up a few groceries and you see that 75” TV on sale. Before you load it onto your cart, look around for the movie packages they sell, and other amazing excursions you could buy for your family to all enjoy.

If you have a daughter, imagine her overwhelming joy in receiving a bouquet from you, do you think that would be a life-changing memory you both would cherish forever?

And always remember the sound advice from the iconic Ferris Bueller
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”


Your comfort zone is the new dead zone