Your comfort zone is the new dead zone

In the medical world, a clinical definition of death is a body that does not change. Change is life. Stagnation is death. If you don't change, you die.

The comfort zone is a topic that has been discussed for a long time and so many people have all sorts of opinions on the subject. For me, the comfort zone is basically when your life has become comfortable, steady, and routine.

There is little going on in your life to challenge you and force you to do things differently and so you become static and for many people bored as opposed to being dynamic and evolving into something more than you currently are.

The truth is a comfort zone can be a great place to live but nothing ever grows there.

That which got you to where you are is NOT what will get you to where you want to be.

I have always loved this saying, it’s a great lead into why comfort zones are not usually a good place to be in for long periods. For you to grow in any positive way you need to challenge your mind and body. Throughout your life, you need to do things that are difficult, uncomfortable, and at times scary which will force you to think differently, move differently and change in ways that will help you become a better version of yourself.

FEAR is usually the number one obstacle for people who want to improve their lives but are for one reason or another afraid to make changes or do anything that may take away what they already have or change what they are used to in their lives.

Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist. That is near insanity.

It’s natural for humans to not want to get out of their comfort zones, that’s because it’s encoded in our DNA. As a species, we are designed to conserve as much energy as we can and to avoid pain and discomfort at all costs.

The people who are the most successful in life are those who have been able to go against human nature and push through all kinds of pain, difficulties, and challenges to emerge on the other side of fear to become better versions of themselves.

It’s kind of like levelling up on a video game. You encounter trials and tribulations as you venture through your game of life. And with each successful difficult task completed, you become enhanced, and more powerful as you achieve your next stage of character development.

Every time you successfully get out of your comfort zone you level up to experience amazing new adventures and experiences in life.

By getting out of your comfort zone you will boost your self-esteem, improve your confidence, expand your mind, and make your life more exciting and rewarding.

Getting out of your comfort zone does not always require you to embark on terrifying challenges or extreme actions, it can be as simple as striking up a conversation with someone at the bus stop, or just finally going to check out that gym down the road or pick up the phone and call that friend you had a falling out with.

The point is, there are countless things in life we all know we should do that will make our lives better and we have been told repeatedly we need to do them but for some reason, we don’t.

Like I said it’s in your nature to want to stay in a safe comfortable state. The trick is to over-ride you’re programming and find small ways at first to push past your natural impulse of avoiding those difficult tasks.

Taking baby steps is key for most people.

Here are some helpful tips on how to get out of your comfort zone and start growing.

Compliment a stranger on something (telling a cashier you think they have a great voice or personality)

Change your daily routine in some ways (exercise in the morning instead of the evening, don’t go on any social media for at least half the day, go for a long walk at lunch with a co-worker…)

Learn one new thing to help you expand your professional skill set

Set a fitness challenge for yourself (run up 6 flights of stairs, do a yoga class, see how long you can hold your breath without passing out, good practice for deep sea diving later)

Go somewhere totally new (a different part of town, a new place to go hiking, a new restaurant.)

Sign up for a scary or difficult experience (a polar plunge, a half marathon, kickboxing class)

The only way to get better results in life is to make changes both big and small.

If you want to become a better version of your true self, being part of Bro Pro Vegans is an ideal way to help you get out of your comfort zone and make that a reality.


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Experiences are more valuable than things