My 27-year vegan journey
Way back on December 15th, 1996, I had just finished listening to an audiobook on cassette tape in my 1993 Toyota Tercel. This book titled Living Health written by Tony Robbins changed my life forever as it fully convinced me to go vegan which I did that very day.
Tony helped me understand and identify with the 3 main reasons that people decide to live a vegan lifestyle which are of course, for our health, the wellbeing of animals and the health of the planet. I have always resonated with my health as the primary reason for me switching to a vegan lifestyle but that doesn't mean I have less passion for the other two.
I’ve just been a huge health nut my whole life which at times has been quite an obsession of mine.
It's been over 27 years now since I embarked on my vegan journey and man oh man it’s been an epic experience filled with challenges, excitement, mistakes, and incredible rewards.
I have learned so much about myself, my body the world we all live in and the way we as humans interact and use this planet be it good or bad. This healthy lifestyle has healed my body and mind in so many ways and I have been trying to share it with as many people as I can in hopes of them reaping the rewards of this lifestyle.
When I first learned all about the food industry, animal agriculture, and processed Franken food it ignited in me a kind of Chicken Little syndrome, but instead of running around shouting to the masses that the sky was falling, I was shouting that the food we are all eating is a lie and is not only killing us but the whole planet we share.
Unfortunately, I was shouting in the wind to people who at the time were not interested in listening to me. So, I changed my strategy and chose to lead by example and show the world how incredible you can look, feel, and truly live as a vegan.
People are far more interested in and curious when they see how this lifestyle can make you strong, super energetic, focused, healthy and happy and it prompts them to ask… how did you do it. That’s when the fun and excitement happen when I get to share all I can with them and help them see how they can simply do the same for themselves.
The way I see it, the vegan lifestyle is only as hard and complicated as you want it to be. I live somewhere in between where I try to keep things simple but at times I do get overwhelmed with information overload like most people.
A great example is the crazy protein debate and the two extreme opinions on how much of it we need. The meat and dairy industries have done a fantastic job brainwashing us for decades to eat protein in excess which has kept most of us permanently confused about the truth.
I chose to look to nature for answers and if a 400-pound powerful, muscular gorilla can get by with eating leaves then it’s safe to say we don’t need all the high-protein crap being dumped on us every day. And if you disagree with nature’s example, think of a time when you grow double in size within a year, growing muscle, skin, and bones…it’s when you are a baby and babies are designed to drink human breast milk which only has 1% protein.
In my mind, the case is closed but if you want further proof, check out this interview which thankfully is now reflecting more of the medical world’s opinion.
In all my years of living this way, I have been able to sort out and find the clear truth about so many topics and issues we all face and deal with in life.
My journey starts fresh every single day as I seek out more information, and advice from others in my continued pursuit to be even healthier, stronger, smarter, and happier.
I want to explore this amazing adventure with as many people all around the world as I can. There is so much to learn and experience and I can’t wait to see what happens over the next 27 years.